Title: Not Zebras
Author: Shane Vansen
Category: drabble, post-series
Spoilers: S5 episodes 8-13ish
Length: 100 words
Disclaimer: It's probably best that they're not mine; I'd screw it up. Haven, its characters and storylines, and the overall concept belong to people much more creative than I.
Summary: When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras.
Author's Notes: Not the way I think it's really going to end, but.
Thanks as always to
december21st for the beta.
When Audrey first starts feeling sick, she and Nathan both kind of panic. The Troubles are fifteen months behind them but they remember the paleness and fatigue after she split from Mara, when her body was essentially coming apart from the inside out. Worried, the first person they go to see is Gloria.
The M.E. takes Audrey's temperature, draws her blood, and performs some scans, then disappears to run more tests. She leaves with a frown but comes back with a smile.
"Congratulations," Gloria says, completely sincere, but is quick to add, "But if you think I'm babysitting, think again."