Title: Steal This Moment
Author: Shane Vansen
Category: drabble, scene insertion, mild angst, identity crisis redux
Spoilers: See No Evil, with references to Magic Hour II and William
Rating: PG
Length: 100 words
Disclaimer: It's probably best that they're not mine; I'd screw it up. Haven, its characters and storylines, and the overall concept belong to people much more creative than I.
Summary: There's nothing left of Audrey Parker except her memories. Or so Mara would like to believe.
Author's Notes: "Let me steal this moment from you now/ Let's exchange the experience" (Running Up That Hill, Kate Bush/Placebo). Song lyrics are awesome for titles.
No thanks to December21st this time. :p~ "I think it's fine" does not earn you beta credit, my friend.
Just a drabble and not a great one at that, but I WROTE FIC. \o/
"I'll always love you, Parker," he tells her (no, not her, tells Audrey Parker). He's face-down in the sand, bleeding, and her aim wavers because I have always loved you. I always will love you and He's the weight in my heart guy are running through her head like that's supposed to mean something.
But it doesn't. It doesn't. Because she is Mara, not Audrey, and Nathan means nothing to her.
When she walks away, she tells herself it's because he's going to bleed to death anyway and not because there's any hint of Audrey left.
No trace at all.
I live a ridiculously spoiler-free existence, so if you're kind enough to comment please don't give anything away!