I am proud for guessing Duke's plan (or maybe that should be "plan") to get Lexie to fall back in love with Nathan. But that pales in comparison to
december21st predicting that it was Audrey pretending to be Lexie all along. She totally wins at Haven. (Though I re-watched the end of last week's ep with the idea that maybe she was pretending, and she seemed confused before Nathan was all, "You have to kill me right now!" I'm not sure why she was acting that way before there was really a reason?) But I am not the least bit surprised that she chose to be Audrey. (I only said Sarah last week because I knew picking Audrey would be too easy, plot-wise. As these things go, anyhow.)
ETA: Okay, upon a third viewing, one of the first things she sees is the Guard standing around holding guns, so I guess it makes sense that she plays it close until she gets more information -- which happens to be Nathan putting a gun in her hand and telling her to kill him. So. Okay. I'll buy it now. (Oh, and hi there muse!) /ETA
Also, that reveal blew my theory that Duke's plan would backfire (sort of?) and Lexie would end up falling for him instead of Nathan. But now at least I don't have to worry about that. And they are totally going to keep this from Nathan until they absolutely have to tell him, because it will save his life.
I'm glad she's not really Lexie, because I do not much care for Lexie. She's kinda mean. So, yay Audrey!! Even though it torpedoes that one decent fic idea I had. *sads*
(There was plot in there somewhere, I'm sure, but I don't really care about that right now. Oh, except for the part where I'm wondering if Wade's Trouble might be activated now? And Jordan's going to tell him about the Crocker curse and somehow try to get him to kill Audrey.)
Looks like Jennifer gets to stay? At least for a little while.
Oh, Haven. Just don't break my heart before all is said and done, okay?