Primeval: New World and, okay? (aka what's up with You Tube?)

Mar 16, 2013 22:49

Dear vicki_james98,

Okay, you were right. I wasn't expecting to like P:NW because, well, I'm not much into dinosaurs, but I did quite enjoy S1. Even if I did have to put up with several episodes of "Noooo, that's the wrong 'ship!" before they took care of that little problem. But it's a Canadian show that actually takes place in Canada (and not Toronto, for once!), and the leads are pretty to look at, and there's 'ship, so I am happy. So yes, I should've been watching all along instead of procrastinating.

You'd think I'd learn to listen to you by now. ;)

(Though I don't think it's entirely fair that you brought me into a such a teensy, tiny fandom. I think I got through all of the relevant fics and vids within an hour or two.)

With much bowing down to your show-picking prowess,

Dear YouTube,

You seem to be returning an awful lot of results that have absolutely no connection to my search terms. Also, the titles and screenshots often do not match the description. I am somewhat confused, and thinking that you have some sort of glitch. Since this is the first time in two weeks that I've done my fanvid round-up, I sincerely hope that I haven't missed any good vids due to your technical difficulties. Maybe if you concentrated less on trying to get my personal information and spent more time actually running the day-to-day aspects of the site, we wouldn't have this little problem.

Little love,


Dear LJ,

Your new update page continues to suck big time. The font is awful and this whole thing where the text box expands but there's no scroll bar most certainly does not work for me (or many others, from what I've seen). Stop trying to "improve" things, mmkay? The phrase "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" exists for a reason.

No love,

my f-listers are awesome, rambling, fandom: other, ranting

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