Title: The Needs of the Many Author: Shane Vansen Category: Audrey/Nathan implied; Jordan/Nathan, missing scene, drabble Spoilers: Magic Hour, BurnedRating: G
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OMG! A thousand times YES! This would have been a great bonus/deleted scene. Conniving Jordan is intriguing and the expression on Audrey's face (go Emily!) when Jordan says to Nathan, "If we had you, we'd be able to control Audrey." *dies a little* I mean, I actually ship Jordan/Nathan, too, but you added extra life to a great interrogation scene that would later come up in the episode. Thank you! :)
You do have to wonder, how did the Guard know that threatening Nathan is the way to control Audrey? It makes sense that Jordan told them, because you know she's known since before even Magic Hour that there's more than partnership and friendship between them. (Though I'm more of the opinion that half the town already knows how he feels about her, but that isn't this story. *g*)
Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed this little story. :)
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Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed this little story. :)
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