Also references to Sarah under the cut.
In the interest of... something, I'm just going to point out that anything in quotation marks is not necessarily an actual quotation.
Dear Haven,
You cannot have an episode in which you strongly imply that Nathan is the father of the Colorado Kid and then NOT ADDRESS IT FOR TWO WHOLE EPS. That's just entirely unfair, especially with all the heartache you've put the Audrey/Nathan 'shippers through most of this season.
Please to be addressing it next ep.
Moderate love,
Was anyone else yelling "Check the back of the neck for bolt gun holes in the skin!" at their screen? Because that was the first thing that popped into mind. Much more definitive than memories. Also, Audrey? The skinwalker can change skins. So maybe you cleared Claire earlier and maybe it really was her at the time, but any time she was out of your sight after that? She becomes a suspect again. (True, of course, for anyone they checked.) (Except for Nathan 'cuz he's not allowed to be dead. Or, y'know, dead dead.)
And why didn't Nathan show up at Audrey's? I'm assuming he didn't, anyway. He said he'd be there shortly and then she's waking up on the couch (with a gun in her hand -- interesting) when it's dark and then he's at work the next morning. WHY WASN'T HE THERE???
I do love that she called him pretty much just because. (But she didn't ask him where he was/why he never showed, so maybe he did? In which case, WHY DIDN'T WE SEE THAT SCENE?! But I don't think he did because things still seemed unresolved the next day. I JUST DON'T KNOW.)
(Okay, in retrospect I suppose "I'll see you soon" doesn't necessarily mean "I'm already in the truck because we so need to have this conversation ASAP (followed immediately by kissage)", but that's my interpretation. Maybe he just meant "see you tomorrow"?)
There are an awful lot of people out and about at 7-7:30 in the freaking morning in Haven. o.O And if everyone collapsed at the same time, that town has a serious jaywalking problem and it's a miracle more people aren't hit by cars every day. Just sayin'.
I'm inferring from this ep that either people can have two Troubles, or that they haven't definitively ruled out that it's at least possible. At one point Audrey was convinced that Troubled Guy of the Week both was causing the town-wide comas and was the skinwalker, and didn't seem to think it was an either/or situation.
So... I guess this means Claire is dead. Which is really too bad because she was fun and gave Audrey the verbal kick in the ass she sometimes needs and though I was wary about her at first, I did end up liking her. I don't expect we'll be seeing her again after next week.
ETA: It occurs to me belatedly that Claire could have been the skinwalker all along, à la Tommy, in which case the whole "let me test your memory by asking about events we shared together!" is utterly useless. I mean, Tommy could've passed that kind of test too and he wasn't Tommy. So we may never know how much we saw was Claire and how much was the skinwalker. (/ETA)
Will Brady's storyline was a little on the nose when it came to parallelling Audrey's (is 'parallelling' a word?) but at least it knocked some sense into her about not passively accepting her fate. Because I'm with Nathan on not understanding why she isn't fighting it more.
And on to the fun stuff:
OMFG, they have practically made up for an entire season lacking in Audrey/Nathan in this one ep. \o/ I am still on the fence about Sarah but this was Audrey and Nathan and there were conversations and apologies with forgiveness and handholding (twice!!) and promises for the future.
I was already happy with that "there are some things I need to tell you" conversation (though really, Audrey, you needed Nathan to tell you that in person is better than on the phone?), but then there was that "I remember the first time I felt your touch" memory/confession moment in the station. WITH HANDHOLDING. And smiling. Lots of smiling. And looks. And "it's him", no doubt whatsoever.
AND THEN MORE HANDHOLDING AT THE END. And apologies. And "we'll have lots of time." And I swear that these two pick the weirdest times and/or places to have heart-to-hearts, but I will take it.
(And Audrey referred to Nathan as her partner and not the police chief when Will Brady asked who he was, and I know it's a small thing, but I so love that.)
I do feel a little bad for Duke. But not bad enough. :p~
Maybe A&N will get some happy!moments before the angst-fest that is sure to be the season finale.
I'd say more, but mostly it boils down to me sitting here grinning like an idiot. *HAPPY FLAILS*
I don't have any ep-related fic ideas yet. o.O Most of the others I had within minutes of the episode ending. Suggestions taken below.
I am so re-watching this entire freaking show during winter break from episode one through to the end of S3.