*twitches violently*

Sep 04, 2011 23:05

Dear Midlife Crisis Guy,

I have had to listen to your music for more than an hour now. It's 11pm and I would like to read quietly for a bit before going to sleep. TURN DOWN THE FREAKING MUSIC BEFORE I FILE A NOISE COMPLAINT WITH THE POLICE. If I knew if I could do so anonymously (because I know how you can hold a grudge), I'd have already done so. Like, two or three years ago when this first occurred, and every freaking time since.

Absolutely no love whatsoever,
A Very Angry Me

(I would totally just open the door and yell at him to turn it down -- he's listening to the music in his yard -- but I think I'm the only female on my side of the street so he'd probably know it's me, and he does hold grudges. He's told me stories of the wrongs his next-door neighbour has done him and how he's retaliated.) *continues twitching*

ETA: Okay, he's since turned it down so that I only hear the occasional base beat. And I watched a couple of vids, and now I am calmer. Until the next time.

rl: misc, ranting

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