A merry christmas. (in third and first person)

Dec 15, 2005 15:24

Its been so long since since Dylan has actually visited this site he almost forgot his lame-ass username.
Anyway the hollidays are well underway yes? And Dylan is most deffinitely in the christmas spirit. (although the christmas spirit does not seem to be comming back to him) First off Dylan lost his job at the Drug Dealers, lying sexist bitch pharmisicst told lies about Dylan to the boss.(who happpens to be her personal friend) anyway I've ranted about that to enough people so far, I don't feel like writing about it again! *twitches*
Anyway also up for the holliday season Dylan has taken up fencing once again and is determined this time to kick ass this year! Hurray for training!I've been working my ass off and getting into shape, my belly is having some trouble diminishing though. Oh well I should be able to drop it with the winter weight eventually.
Oh yeah, sorry about the random 3rd person 1st person switching. I assure you that I am still 100% all Dylan over here.
I've been talking to Becky on the phone alot recently (None of you know who Becky is! Mwehehehehe!) She's so great I can't wait till this summer when we get to go camping!

Oh I found something out in shcool today. Infortunately I cannot function at all without my medication. I've been slacking off on taking my coctail of focusing drugs and watched my grades slip drasticaly. but today I took them again this morning and I could acually keep my mind on the class for a change. It was kinda weird actually. I didn't want to belive it but I guess the stuff actually works. Off to the mall again tonight, its time to finish off the meager remains of my wasted time at the pharmacy! Oh that reminds me! *phew* ive got alot to write about today.

The F*ing Yellowstone trip was canceled. IT was the only reason I got a job in the first place and now We arent even going!! Damn it it was the only thing that I was looking forward to this year and it goes to waste. What the hell?! Merry Christmas.
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