Sep 10, 2005 11:55
Okay, so I dropped off a job application at the pharmacy yesterday. (If I make enough I probably won't have to sell my piano after all) And went to spend the night over at Joe's house after, he was closing that day so he gave me a ride. Around 11:00pm we were getting bored of playing Crystal Cronicles and looked around for something else to do...
"Want to go for a walk or something?" I suggested.
He looked at me with a questioning look. "Where? Its 11:00! What are we supposed to do at this hour?... How about a walk in the woods?"
"Um... okay."
"A walk in the woods, but we're going to have to do it right!" he pulls out two camoflague jackets from his closet and tosses one to me.
Instantly a huge grin spreads across my face and we start gathering materials for costumes.
I end up wearing boots, black pants, an army jacket, dog tags and a camo military hat. Joe wears the same but on his head he puts child's plastic army helmet instead. Costumes complete (including facepaint) we ventured out into the woods armed with a Maglight, a lantern, a childrens plastic M-16, and a toy Shotgun ment for shooting caps. Two of the stupidest looking soldiers that ever existed.
On the way through the woods we encountered few hostiles, We carefully scanned each rock we came upon just incase an enemy might be hiding behind it (or under it) waiting to attack from behind cover. After we were satisfyed that the woods were secure we exited to a clearing (Elisa Wheeler's back yard). Feeling exposed and fearing being spotted by an enemy sentry we ducked for cover and advanced alonside the tall grass towards the main enemy supply vein (Boston Post Road), stopping and doing occasional sweeps though the woods with the maglight for hostiles. We arrived safely at the road without being spotted, At that time Pvt. Joe received a message from base camp asking him 'Where the hell was he? and why wasn't he home at this hour?' Unable to refuse orders, we realized that the fastest way back to base camp would be to take the main road. We moved up the road swiftly, quickly dodging into cover each time the occasional enemy vehicle drove by. (we were still carrying our weapons here, btw) At a few points we found ourselves unable to find cover fast enough so we had to resort standing a full salute on the edge of the road, trying to fool the enemy driving by that that we were on their side. Apparently our disguise worked because all 5 continued driving by without incident. When we arrived at base camp (joe's mother now home) we decided that there was a good chance that during our absence it was overrun by hostiles. We did a clearing of the house, Night ops style, cutting the lights to the house. At the foot of the stairs to the second floor we encountered a single female enemy soldier brushing her teeth. Outguned, we swiftly retreated to the basement to prepare a counterstrike. She followed us. Both of us ducked for cover, thinking quickly, I tossed a grenade at the foot of the stairs. My well placed grenade took her out as she came down. We had reclaimed the base!
Mission complete, we removed our uniforms, breathed a sigh of releif, and went back to playing video games.