Apr 18, 2007 19:24
America needs to really have a look in the mirror to figure out why kids and young adults are adapting to a violent nature. It is NOT video games fault. It's not violence on TV. Think about it, seriously. You out KILLING people in other countries. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT. WIN. FREE THEM. They fucking need it. I think America needs it more. They're the ones being oppressed. I can't believe these so called 'experts' have the gall to blame something as trivial as video games when the games themselves are being inspired by America's uncontrolled war. War came first, America has a violent culture, just like many MANY other countries. America is perpetuating the acceptance of killing, war, guns, violence, and that over all, America is always right.
Condolences to the families and friends of those who were killed.... It's a horrible tragedy.
Be mindful of everyone, and what families elsewhere go through every day of their lives. They live and breathe fear.
On a side note...
I'm looking for two artists, and if possible, their full albums. That would be the best scenario.
Number ONE! Vienna Teng - Dreaming Through the Noise
Number TWO! Sleepthief - The Dawnseeker
If you have links for downloading torrents, or any Mp3s from these albums, please comment or let me know somehow. T___T I've been looking for AGES. ARGH.