Feb 05, 2007 00:59
Its 1240 in the morning and i couldnt sleep. Why because i have been thinking of you, i know its been as long as the time we dated but wow i cant believe that i miss you still. I know fucken corny, well i started thinking about how you might be, those pictures i gave you for your birthday that set me off, went to my computer wanted to read the entry i wrote before i left for greece. didnt make it that far, i made it to the one i wrote a few weeks after i left sound, i made it to the part about you and idk i just cracked...
When i got on the computer i wanted to talk to harrison, cuz he is the only person i talk to who sees you who i know would keep the fact i am in the state of decay i am from you, but he is in bed and well i am still thinking of how even with my stupidity we could have fixed things...
I did this to my self, i deserve every second of it, i always say that, it gets me through the day, but not the nights, at night i dont sleep, i know why i just wish i didnt... Its all a fact that i am so stupid, and i know there is nothing i can do in the world to ever fix anything of what i did, (laugh (first on in a hour)) im gonna make a time machine send a message back intime to tell myself to be strong not fuck up...
I wish i knew how you felt right now, if u miss me, i doubt it, i bet you have moved on and are long gone from when u loved me...
... Elipsis, god i wish, but i know that it never will pick up, people dont get it, i dont even get it, it makes no sense, i wont ever beable to escape this, god i wish you'd read this and atleast talk to me again that would make me feel better, but i have given up on anything ever coming back...
I wish i could forget you, concussion that eliminates you from my past, if i were only so lucky, hell with my luck it would eliminate everything but you, oh how the mighty have fallen, left to toil in the dust of dispear with the rest of the world, u made me strong i actually cared but i didnt notice, we would be going on something like 9 months
May 5th
i cant believe i still remember that,
Had to gather myself lost my thoughts, o well i should hit the sack it is almost 1am, you are the best thing to ever happen to me, until something better comes along i will miss you, but i will always love you...
well the title is wrong now i did get a few more out, one but still i wont be asleep till 2...