Jan 28, 2008 21:36

Hey y'all.

Life is pretty crazy and I will do a longer personal update in the next few weeks. As well as some Daily Show/Colbert meta that I've been thinking about lately.

But for right now, I need this to be my squee space, so...


Is it just that there is NOTHING ELSE ON? Or what? Why do I suddenly love it when it basically repulsed me last season? Was I just not paying attention?

Seriously! Was Ianto this awesome last season? And JAMES MARSTERS. You guys, I...GUH.

And I don't even think there have been gratuitous shots of Jack standing arms-folded on the roofs of random buildings for no apparent reason. Awesome!

Another thought: why do RTD and crew name every freakin' character "Jones" anyway? You've got Martha, Ianto, that guy from Torchwood Season 1 who sold the alien eyeball on it supposed to be a joke or are they just not that imaginative? Have they commented on that?

Anyway. I have been reading Jack/Ianto a LOT. Any recs? This whole "canon" thing is nice.
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