(no subject)

Aug 13, 2012 22:03

Notes on work, now that I've been there about a month and a half ...

- it's pretty good so far, and I've gotten into a regular routine now. Everyday is different enough to not get too boring, but not so different that it becomes stressful. The work isn't hard, though you wouldn't know it the way some of them act - I'm still getting "OMG you pick this up so fast!" I definitely don't mind the compliment (I haven't been good at too many jobs), but dang - you look up a thing, you scan the things someone wants from that thing, you put the thing away. There's a lot of little details to it, and a lot of stuff to look out for, but it's all written down anyway.

- office demographics : all women, I'm the youngest (by 5 - 10 years at the least. Several are grandmothers), one of the only unmarried ones, I think the only one without kids, (from those two, I'll make the assumption that I'm the only gay person), one of the only ones who's not church-going religious (I'm no kind of religious at all, but quite a few people here are religious way beyond the realm of my usual social circle), and the only discernible political affiliations noticed so far are unregistered apathetic or Fox New Republican. The super Fox News-y lady (who's absolutely terrified of the apocalyptic hellscape Obama and his demon healthcare will land us in if he gets re-elected) kinda bugs me (though I do the work I do for her very well and very quickly, to spite her "stupid and lazy" characterization of my generation), but everyone (even her, not aware of me in my office thinking "stupid stupid stupid!" when she's going off on a rant) is very nice to me. The differences were (kinda still are) a little awkward, but no one seems to mind (though no one knows the gay liberal atheist parts yet), and on the rare occasions I eat lunch with them (working my late hours now, but if my supervisor's out and the one computer allotted to the copy service is free, I come in early) they always make an effort to include me in the conversation. No one knew who the hell Cake was, but they all knew I was going to a concert and were happy for me that it didn't get rained out (that concert was awesome, by the way - I'd seen them before, and I'll see them any other time they're around, they're fabulous live. They give away trees! And they played like, every one of my favorite songs of theirs, along with some good covers (does EVERY version of "War Pigs" sound better than the original?). Williamsburg Park is also a pretty good venue - not too big, not too small - and I'm planning on seeing David Byrne there next month).

(Minor difference : discounting the use of high heels, I'm also the tallest person in the office, and the only one who doesn't use a stepladder. All these high shelves don't quite make sense in an all-female workplace ...)

- my Long Island accent is so apparently so minimal that it goes undetected even by other Long Islanders. People keep guessing that I'm from upstate, and though I did live there for two years, I don't think it changed my accent (and no one there could tell where I was from either).

real life, work

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