(no subject)

Sep 11, 2011 00:47

Glenn's been watching a lot of Frasier lately, and has shown me a couple episodes he found particularly amusing (I'd only ever seen the last 5 minutes of it, since it used to be on right before late night X-Files reruns). The plot of one episodes revolves around the difficulty for a man to maintain heterosexuality in the event that he is hit on by Patrick Stewart. Makes sense to me.

My boss let Mar and I promote ourselves and pick new titles. I'm the Literary Manager now ... which mostly means that Jeff has fobbed off the work of telling crazy people to take their shitty screenplays elsewhere onto me. Mar is Director of Special Projects, which sounds delightfully shady, but I think just entails the same office work as before.

Dr Who last night was pretty good ... all the scenes in a giant white void made me want to watch "The Mind Robber". Overall I'm kind of eh on this half of the season so far - it's not terrible, but there's something lacking that I can't quite put my finger on.

And I am done done done with River Song. They just keep throwing new "OMG she's the coolest EVAR" things into her story, but then not really thinking them through. Nothing about her relationship with Rory and Amy makes any sense to me, and every new twist to it just keeps getting creepier. I think Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes had a better grasp on how profoundly weird it would be to interact with your parents as peers - and River's not even their peer anymore, she's older and way more experienced. That's pretty fucking weird, but all the characters involved seem to just shrug it off and continue exactly like they were. It doesn't help that Amy has been feeling like a very generic companion lately ... I like her in individual episodes, but I don't feel like it coheres too well. I have been liking Rory a lot, though.

real life, work, patrick stewart, dr who, tv

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