Thursday afternoon we picked up a new dog, a pit/maybe lab/maybe hound/maybe who knows mutt puppy named Sam. Our other dog Luke, who was a rescued stray from the Bahamas, has always been incredibly reserved and nervous with people (he's barely ok with me and my parents, and he's terrified of my poor brother and anyone else he sees), but's always excited to be around other dogs. We figured a puppy would bring him out and that he'd be happier with a packmate ... plus, I know Ryan especially wanted to have a "normal" dog, one that wasn't terrified of everything and always hiding. So far, it's all working out really well - Luke's cautious but completely fascinated by Sam, following her around the room and starting to get the hang of playing with another dog; and he's also much more affectionate and relaxed with us (he still barks and growls like crazy at anyone else, but it's still a huge step for him to be taking treats out of my hand or letting my brother pet him, so it'll take him awhile). And she's suuuch a little cutie - her face has some pitt features and some hound-looking qualities, and she's got a sturdy little barrel-body with tiger stripes across her back and a thin whippy tail (which is pretty much the exact opposite of Luke's fluff and brushy tail). She looks like she may grow up to be bigger than him - she's got huge feet and she's big for a 9 week old puppy, but still small enough to be a lap dog for now
aw, my dogs