(no subject)

Sep 30, 2008 13:05

went to a David Sedaris reading in Albany on Sunday ... he is an awesome, hilarious, TINY man. we wanted to stuff him in my bag and have him live in our hall closet telling us stories. we'll give you plenty of drugs, Mr Sedaris!

our guinea pigs have both passed onto the big Ramen box in the sky ... poor pigs. Mar got a pair of female rats (photos when they've calmed down). they're incredibly cute - white with grey-brown markings and still young enough to have soft baby furz. their names are Amy and Pigeon (ask Mar). the original plan was just to get one, but they looked so sweet tangled up in a little ratknot that we couldn't seperate them. right now, they don't want anything to do with us, but we're going to ply them with eggs. rats love eggs

Mar and Spork are both pizza delivery wenches (different stores, though), and I'm back at Pre-Teen World Telethon for Pre-Teen World the BCC alumni-hasslefest. I'm actually doing really well this year, and in general it's not a bad job. we get free snacks, though a former telethoner that I called (who didn't give, WTF) told tales of free pizza back in the early 90s. consarn it. but my supervisor likes me, and last week I killed a good portion of my alleged worktime talking to her about Radiohead. so, it's all good over there, I just need to start applying so I can continue to make money once it's over (Oct 22nd). I realllly want to work at Hollywood Video, but a) I don't know if they're hiring anymore and b) I owe them like a gazillion dollars for truant videos.

TV ...

this seasons looks like it's shaping up to be better than the second, at least ... it already feels less planned out than the first season, but at least things are happening and most of them aren't completely annoying ...
- for a season called "Villians", the new ones we've seen haven't done much. and they're back inside the Company cells already? I mean, I'm assuming they get out again, but that happened awfully fast. also, I can't remember what any of them do - the skinhead has pilot-light flame powers, I think, the one guy has vague "feeding off fear" powers, the guy that Peter was in (haw) has Banshee-screaming ... what did that German guy do?
- futurePeter is a much worse actor than regularPeter. also, I love his mom all "shoo! shoo, evil Peter!". I never care much about Peter, but this plot is at least going nowhere faster than the one in Ireland
- I'm already way happier with Claire's plotline this season than last. they definately seemed to have heard the complaints about how inactive she is - I'm not sure how the stuff with her mom will pan out (WTF asphyxiation?), but I'm glad she's doing something. and I really liked the scene with her and Sylar - creepy and cool. and hey, we have an answer (kind of) on the Sylar brain issue ... at least he doesn't eat them. "Claire, that's disgusting".
- also, poor Mrs Bennet. that has to be so fucked up ... and Lyle is totally unphased by it. that kid is gonna grow up so weird
- speaking of which - OMG poor Micah. the "Tracey" plot is interesting, and Ali Larter really is always great at playing a whole bunch of different characters - she plays at least 4 different and totally distinct people in the last 2 seasons, and you can always tell who it is, or at least that it's not Niki. and I kind of like Niki/Nathan, though not at the expense of DL :( I miss DL
- why is Mohinder Jeff Goldblum now? it's not like it's a little like The Fly - it's EXACTLY like The Fly. which may or may not mean we get a dream sequence where Maya gives birth to a giant maggot. I'm not sure how I feel about that. and I'm really not too keen on Mohinder having a power (at least it's being presented as a bad thing)
- not a big fan of Hiro's new villian. it just feels too similar to Elle, without her screwy Company-Daddy issues (I was sorry to see Bob go, cause he was interesting ... but apparently the actor like, broke his neck horseback riding or something). the Hiro-Ando stuff is a lot more interesting. I bet it turns out that Hiro is the villian in the bit of the future we see. also - "I'm being awesome!". I love Ando. they better not give him a power - he's cool all on his own. and Bennet with a power is all wrong - he needs to be like Batman, kicking ass cause he's just that asskickiful, not cause of any superpowers
- Nathan <3s Jesus! weird, but I wanna see where it goes. I'm always interested in Nathan (on one level or another ... he is fucking hot as hell). I'm also curious what invisibleLinderman's about - is he a forceghost, or is Nathan just going crazy, or is someone fucking with him? I wish we knew what Papa Petrelli's power was, maybe it's connected ...
- OMG Mrs Petrelli. I am so glad she's getting a big role this season, she is awesome. I'm not sure I buy that Sylar is REALLY her son ... for one, Angela's pretty shifty, and two, this show needs to stop having every single character related to every single other. I guess it makes sense that there would be a common gene pool that these powers are coming from, but it kinda comes off soap-operay. Sylar looks enough like her, and Nathan and Peter to be at least believable on that level
(also ... I just watched and read "I, Claudius", which was completely fabulous and highly recommended to any history nerds on my flist ... but OMG. Angela = Livia sooo much. does that make Nathan Tiberius? maybe Nathan's what Tiberius could have been ... is Sylar Caligula?
[srsly, if any of you have watched it, throw me some comments about it. it is teh awesome and only my mom and brother have seen it])
- HRG/Sylar OMG OMG OMG. seriously, this is an awesome pairup. this show general does interesting combinations of characters (especially when they're riffing on Law and Order-type pairings, for some reason ... Matt-Nathan was one of my favorite developments last season), and I'm already loving HRG and Sylar. it doesn't help that they're two of my favorites, or that they both amuse the hell out of me. I don't know that I'd buy them as an serious ship in fic, but man I want to see some crackfic.
- :( poor Haitian, he's been thrown aside for some cheap, lushly browed floozy!

seriously, if you don't watch this, start as soon as you can, this show is painfully hilarious. everyone on it just keeps getting funnier, and the show keeps getting more cracked-out (and SLASHY. the 4th episode is just some of the slashiest slash that ever did slash. Charlie/Dennis OTP?). I need an Always Sunny icon ... I just can't decide if it should be of Dee or Charlie

and I need to download the last few episodes of House, I hear it is rife with House/Wilson slashiness and that really is the only thing that's interesting me anymore with that show (besides just plan old Hughlove. he is a fabulous gangly bag of awesome)

I guess I should go to statistics now ... god damn, that is a boring class

heroes, real life, always sunny, pets, tv

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