oh Christ, another lj kerfluffle. I love the posters in the comments all flailing around about omg it's all evil MARKETING PLOYS - gasp! a private company marketing its product the way they want it to be viewed?! christ, it's practically Nazi Germany up in here! I do agree that the censorship is pretty douchey and it's depressing that it's falling in such blatently homophobic patterns, but seriously - who fucking cares? it'd not like they're banning posting about the subjects that they pulled from the popular interests list, (most of which got restored within 24 hours ANYWAY) or even banning the use of them as interests, they're just not putting it on the front page. there's WAY more serious incidences of homophobia to get charged up about than what fucking LIVEJOURNAL advertises to convince parents to let their 13 year old start posting, but the LJ community at large seems to save its passionate vitriol for this incredibly trivial bullshit ... and act like they're curing cancer over it
(also, my natural tendency towards contrariness gets set on fire by these kerfluffles. the people bitching about LJ are almost universally such obnoxiously self-righteous dickheads that I automatically want to disagree with them)
(also also - I'm not sure what the deal with "faeries" being banned is ... I've only ever seen it with the conventional spelling when it's used in gay context, so it's weird if that's it. but if it's because 99% of people who bleat on about faeries* and dragyns and magickqk are fucking idiots and LJ doesn't want to be associated with their nonsense, then that is hilarious. unlikely, but hilarious
* yes, yes, traditional spelling blah blah blah. you're still probably being an idiot)