OMG shit's finally happening, kind of! breakdown by character ...
Matt: god damn, I love Matt so hard. everything about him this episode was awesome. if you didn't want to hug him when he's telling Molly/talking to himself about his dad leaving, you have no soul and a black heart. at first, him trapping his awful awful father in his own head seemed like it happened too fast, but I don't think he could've done it if he had time to actually think about it. how they develop his new powers (well, not really new. new to him) will be interesting
Mohinder: poor Mohinder. how many times has someone kicked his ass by now? poor broken Mohindernose. and I like him freaking out over whether he's on the right side - I love Bennet, but it's really hard to be sure that his side is the good side when he's running around bustin' caps and fucking people up in the sickest possible fashion. does the gun mean that Mohinder will be the Bennet-capping Claire-hugger in the painting? huh (anything's better than West, though).
also, it's ... in character, but I don't know if telling the Company about his and Bennet's espionage was the best idea. you don't know if Bennet's good, but you also don't know if Bob's good either. maybe you should talk to someone you KNOW is good, like oh say - Matt? you do live together, though you haven't had many scenes with him lately. I wish we had gotten a scene with Mohinder and Molly, or at least a line from him re: her waking up ... she's his baby, too
Nathan: I like his new hair. what did he do this episode? I know it was cool, cause he's fucking Nathan and he's always cool. I think he mostly just intimidated Bob and tried to stop Niki
Niki: she's being shafted so hard this season. well, she gets a pretty raw deal last season, too, but things are just not looking up for her. I'm worried they'll kill her off - I wonder if part of the reasoning behind introducing their New Orleans relatives (besides introducing the ADORABLE Monica, that girl is so ridiculously cute and wonderful) is to establish someplace for Micah to live if Niki dies, without turning Mohinder's tiny apartment into Dr Suresh's School for Gifted Youngsters
(much debate has been had around here about WHY Mohinder stays in that apartment, besides "they don't want to make a new set". it has all those wonderful memories, like that time Sylar tortured him, or that time his father didn't love him! and I know none of them have any inkling that Sylar is alive, but wouldn't you want to move someplace else just to be sure he couldn't find you like, right away? protect your baby's brain, Mohinder! and Matt's!)
DL: I was looking forward to him being back when I saw his name in the credits, but unfortunately it was just a hallucination. oh well. maybe we'll see more DL in flashbacks
Hiro: SO glad we're done with oldschool Japan, cause that plot was kinda draggy. and aw. he's so happy and squee when he comes back to Ando (with a samurai helmet - the two of them never don't remind me of Ryan and his goobernerd friends), and then he gets whomped with PapaNakamora's death. which better not be permanent - it's George fucking Takei!
(re: Keito's power ...
me: maybe his power is housing that giant voice inside that tiny body
Mar: no, that's a natural defence to scare off predators
me: like William Shatner?)
Claire: OMG someone kill West now now now. he's just such a relentlessly creepy little tool, and I just do not care about their whole romance. this whole season, Claire's plot has seemed really regressive (and way too reminiscent of Buffy). she acts way more mature and sensible even at the beginning of the last season.
also, West? if she wanted to trap you, she probably wouldn't have spent so much time telling you to get out of the house and to avoid her dad. I want to trap you, but only long enough to club you and dump you off a bridge. please go away
Bennet: is going to start bustin' caps in people pretty soon. of course, he always is, but cap-bustin' is on the horizon
Peter: ... at least he's doing SOMETHING more interesting than wallowing in Oirrrreland making that stupid face he makes (you know the one I mean. the one where he looks like he had a stroke and the right side of his mouth veers wildly to the side). I was kinda hoping Mama Petrelli would bust a Claude and slap the memories out of him. there's quite a bit of Peter and Doofy Irish Girlfriend fanservice, if you're into that (I'm not). and I'm sure his scenes were rife with Sekrit Nathan Fucking subtext, they apparently all are (WHY is that such a big pairing? why why why?)
(also, this plot is mooshing in my mind with an episode of Sliders* that I just watched. if the correlation holds true, there's an alternate Peter somewhere with Day Glo skin and the world's greasiest wig.
*Mar started showing Sliders to me, and it's pretty good. kind of Quantam Leapish, in premise (except they go to alternate timelines rather than through history), lack of budget and mid-90sness. John Rhys Davies is Professor of Poolboy Studies, with a specialization in elves)
- a guy in my class brought up the fact that's Guy Fawkes night (or was, by now). when I went over to talk to him during our break, it turned out that he wasn't a Anglophile or a V for Vendetta nerd, but a gamer. apparently Guy Fawkes night is a big thing in Kingdom of Loathing (which I played for a few days before my unshakeable short gaming attention span kicked in. if you like online games, you'd probably like it) and some new game with October in the title ... we talked about D&D, Diplomacy and They Might Be Giants (I was wearing my shirt), and he suggested I join the History Club and go on their trip to the Museum of Natural History. I'll have to see when they meet
also got 100 on my history mid-term, but that's mostly because the test was structured to be INCREDIBLY easy. that didn't stop the idiots in my class from whining and hassling him to make the next test even easier. OMG, it seriously would've only been a little bit easier if he GAVE us the answers. we had 60 multiple choice questions, 40 of which would be graded for 80% of the grade, and an essay worth 20 that he graded very easy. not hard! not even hard a little bit! O! M! G!
and then we got sidetracked at some point with a lengthy ... thing, all "Judaism, Islam, Christianity ... where do Catholics fit in?". I've never ever ever gotten the problem people have with grasping Catholicism's relationship to Christianity - ie, it's a KIND OF CHRISTIANITY. for some reason, people seem to equate "Christian" with "Protestant". my religious upbringing was pretty scanty, so - is there a reason for that, or are people confused? my understanding is that "Christian" simply means someone who believes in the divinity of Christ, and so I don't get the "Catholic=!Christian" thing. someone explain plz
- watched The Dead Zone (movie, not the show). it was ok, but Christopher Walken was awesome in it like he's awesome in everything. there's something weirdly feminine about him in this movie ... maybe it's his hair, or the softness of his features. I'm kinda interested in the show now - it's an interesting concept