(no subject)

Oct 09, 2007 22:40

let's get important shit out of the way - OMG HOUSE SAID "I LOVE YOU" TO WILSON. Of course, by that he meant "I love drugs, and the means by which I get drugs", but he told that to drugs through Wilson and that's good enough for me. I can feel fandom asploding. the House/Wilson interaction this whole episode was in fact, "good times". and RSL very very pretty for a cross-eyed bitch with caterpillar eyebrows

they're not doing much with Cuddy yet, are they? sad pook

Foreman as House in Loosely Bizarrofied 'House MD' amuses me greatly. too bad PseudoCuddy doesn't believe in putting all her hospital's eggs in one manic-depressive basket

I kind of like Cameron/Chase, now that it's an actual pairing and not Cameron fucking with Chase's head. his pretty, pretty head

House: pfft. killing yourself is for losers
Car Crash Guy: nuh uh, it's like drugs
House: ... gimme that knife, it's sockettime

there were at least two new ones this episode - that "doctors without borders" guy and the Indian(?) woman. not sure what to make of that. and WE GET IT - you're keeping Blonde Girl. spread it around a bit.

"I think I'm going to miss you most of all, incredibly old fraud". I hope they keep Scooter around, House is so amusingly sweet with him

the plastic surgeon looks exactly like Jamie Farr's baby hatched in Steve Carell's womb. why that should happen, I don't know, but clearly it did

House actually has Buffy beat in deathcount, which means the strength and supernatural powers of a slayer are ... equal to or surpassed by a middle-aged cripple with a drug problem. huh

and, like the first episode, the fun and frolicks of the regular cast is balanced out by a unspeakably sad patient story. jesus christ


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