(no subject)

Oct 02, 2007 03:45

on the bus this afternoon, a long discussion was had between a) the twerpiest looking virgin Jesus freak guy and b) the drunkest most dishevelled looking old man about church as dating spot and the merits of Barbra Streisand. why wasn't my iPod working?

by Andy Warhol. his one eye is freakishly big. the longer I look at it, the weirder it is. next picture


I like this whole set, but these two especially

you know that episode of Next Gen where it's the future and all Jean-Luc does is wander around a grape farm in a woman's hat?

this is the last thing Chevy Chase will see before he dies

I just like these ones

with Dan Aykroyd who - not here, he looks too Elvis Costello here - was quite cute back in the day. see? I am such a fanWHORE for comedians, srsly

I can't find this bigger

ok, now I really should go to bed ... it doesn't help that Mariel's still awake. why there BE school?

[ETA a day or two later, cause I found more pics I like and didn't feel like making a new post]

why don't I have Ghostbusters action figures? someone go make me some

from a cut scene in Stripes, where they're sneaking out on a military plane and Harold Ramis is tripping on a LOT of acid. they stare intently at each other all through this movie, it's really sort of odd. I wish they'd made more movies together back when Bill was still talking to him, cause they really do have an interesting chemistry

what the hell is he with, fucking Leatherface? going by the hat, I think this might be that Hunter S. Thompson movie that I rented and never watched. must remedy that

yes, that one. I totally have to rent that and "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas"

that just sort of begs to be a "bitch, please" icon

this is from "Royal Tannenbaums", I think ... I say I think because I've seen an awful lot of movies high, with varying levels of comprehension and retention, but that's the one movie where I don't remember ANY of it. I remember it starting and I remember it ending, but everything in between is a mystery to me. must also remedy that

ok, that's probably it. also I need to probably maybe think about going to sleep soon

oh, and a car dealership down the road from my school was on fire for like 5 hours ... I could see the smoke all day after 3. stuff just apparently kept blowing up, and local officials were stymied. god, I hope we never have a fire - we'll fucking burn to death

pics, bill murray, school, freaks on the bus, links

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