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that is WAY up on the list of possible clips to use for my philosophy project ... basically, it's that, or I make up some kind of bullshit about Degrassi. I don't even know what we have to do, just that it involves finding someone else's footage that has to do with philosophy on SOME level and then talking about it, and so I want to use something that will make me happy and nevermind anyone else. actually I'm almost leaning more towards Degrassi since it seems actually impossible to fail this class and I might as well do something retarded when I can get away with it ... just need to percolate on that a bit more. all I'm getting now is variations on "how be Joey and/or Spinner so stupid, and yet still walk and breathe unassisted?"
also - when the hell are they going to release the half-hour SCTV episodes on DVD already? I really like those and they're being really slow and weird about releasing them. I know there's like, no audience for it, but god dammit. stupid TVLand showed it for like 6 months and then went back to "18 hours of Andy Griffith". there may be like a dozen nerds watching SCTV, but the people watching Andy Griffith are legally dead