(no subject)

Mar 27, 2006 02:45

this year was a particularly good con. it was cool seeing temima again, and I met Jess' friend Kevin (who unfortunately got "Sorbo" added to that all weekend) who was also very cool, and I was Jessed and Sporked again as well. my house was full of nerds and devoid of parents, and the con itself was pretty good quality. Sulu! he's so rambly and wonderful, and I want to have him read me stories in his wonderful voice all day long. I did the panel thing for once ... a pretty good one on darkness in children's lit, a dreadful one on "when fandom goes too far, which just turned into a carnival of smirky hypoicrisy, skeevy body issues, and a frustrating inability to use analogies that make any damn sense. also a very good one on queers in sci-fi, which has inspired a definite desire to go to Gaylacticon (it's in Toronto this year!). the caberet was set up much better this year - ie, an actual auditorium instead of folding chairs in the gym. and Ghoul a GoGo were back! Voltaire played some interesting songs ... I love the "coming out for Christmas" one, and the less said about the Star Wars gangbang song, the better. (THE LESS SAID, Tara!). filking was pretty fun (although wandering the hotel alone and stoned was a bit disorienting) - most of the people there could sing really well, and had some pretty good songs (sigh ... such sing-envy). that night I also heard one of the more ... original rejoinders to the anti-gay-marriage arguments - "forget gay marriage, we have to save the bees!". I don't know, ask Jess. I slept through Sunday's con, and had a fun dinner with the Bards and their giant cluster of fanthings. all in all, some pretty good connage, and I actually spent less than $30 in the dealers' room! no $80 Star Trek sets this time, no sir.

I wanted to draw like nuts during all the panels - the classroom setting is now hardwired into my brain as "doodle time!" but I forgot my sketchbook. I brought it along to filk, so here's some stuff I did then ...

Gordon Dietrich from "V for Vendetta" (as played by Stephen Fry), in the crowd scene at the end of the movie

sheesh, the looks I got when I drew this. I'll color this later

real life, fanart, icon, comics

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