SCA linguistics, WIP

Jun 04, 2013 15:10

A more accurate list of titles in Irish.

RankIrish TermTranslation/Notes
King/QueenArd Rí/RíganHigh king/queen
Prince/PrincessRí/Rígan CucidhKing/Queen of Province
Crown PrinceTanaise Rig/RiganSecond to King/Queen
Duke/DuchessRí/Rígan TúathKing/Queen of Clans, Irish Term
Count/CountessRí/Rígan TúaitheKing/Queen of a Clan, Irish Term
Conta/ContaísCount/ess, Norman Borrowing
Íarla/BaníarlaEarl/ess, Norse Borrowing
Viscount/ViscountessBíocounta/BíocontaísViscount/ess, Norman borrowing
Baron/BaronessBarún/BanbarúnBaron/ess, Greek Borrowing, likely via Norman
Aire ForgillSuperior Noble, Irish term
KnightAire ÉchtaLord/Noble Enforcer, literally "lord of vengeance," a position in Irish society

To Do:
List of Genitive forms of Kingdoms/Principalities
Forms of Address/Clarification on usage  (difference between Sir Bob vs Bob, the Knight)
Confirm at spellings

...this is going to turn into an A&S project, and something I'm going to ask to have published/hosted somewhere, I can just feel it...

Last edited: 2014-02-10 2031 PST


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