Mar 25, 2009 01:27
After having not spoken to G since last Thursday and J since Friday I am already feeling better. I still have little tinges of pain every now and again, feeling guilty for cutting them off and feeling upset at the thought that they might be upset at not having me around but then I remember that I need to do what is best for me at all costs right now. J won't contact me but G may still try to. I think blocking him on Facebook has given him the picture though. I have gotten an enormous amount of work done since Saturday and need to just do a final edit of my dissertation synopsis before submitting it - it's up to 3200 words - a bit much but hopefully more in line with what my supervisor is looking for. I am glad to not have to be working at the moment besides the student union stuff which I get a small stipend for. Most mornings I get up, have breakfast and then head into uni. I think I am on the right track again and that means G and J are on their own tracks because it was untenable to try and travel on all three at once. Maybe some day they'll regret it - no they should definitely regret it because it's not every day you have someone as amazing as me in your life, and I remain proud of that fact, because in spite of it all, I remain me - and I'm pretty fucking great!