Job hunting - Day 23

Jan 16, 2009 09:45

Okay its not quite 23 days, if we ignore the Xmas hols and whatnot. But I need to give myself a scare, otherwise will be sitting in bed all day every day eating chocolate and reading slash fiction and chicklit urban fantasy novels.

Yesterday was asked by an agency to send in my CV as a powerpoint presentation (powerpoint!) for a possible temp job. Sent in my CV slideshow this morning, and got the following response from the agency..

"Well done, we will send it off someone else has done one and its very cheeky, like a play station game the inpact from the presentation and he has an interview. Will let you know."

'Like a play station game'?? Am slowly but surely realising I'm way too old for marketing. Don't have a clue what a screen for a play station looks like...
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