I swear the gremlins are out to get me, though - I just had things being alarmingly quiet on the work front, and today I've had five - five, damn and blast - projects emailed, and had to turn three down because all the deadlines clashed. Gremlins or what? I mean, this practically proves they exist!
But I have chocolates! And whisky! Waiting for me ...
so I shall drink a toast to my lovely flist, probably at some ridiculous hour *bg* but I shall bloody well drink it with gusto! Here's to you! *g*
Thank you! Much appreciated :-) And I can now report, I am happy to say, that I have, finally, had my chance to drink a celebratory toast to my lovely flist! Cheers! *g*
I swear the gremlins are out to get me, though - I just had things being alarmingly quiet on the work front, and today I've had five - five, damn and blast - projects emailed, and had to turn three down because all the deadlines clashed. Gremlins or what? I mean, this practically proves they exist!
But I have chocolates! And whisky! Waiting for me ...
so I shall drink a toast to my lovely flist, probably at some ridiculous hour *bg* but I shall bloody well drink it with gusto! Here's to you! *g*
Don't let the gremlins grind you down! *g*
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