It's not quite the New Year yet, but I've made a few resolutions already; to lose a couple of stone (nothing new there), to go out for a decent walk every day, to write something for the next Pros Big Bang... and to update this journal far more frequently than I have been doing.
So, in anticipation of regular posts in the New Year, I thought it might be a good idea to recap what's been happening at Ronnie Towers of late. I suppose the biggest news is that we have another grandchild on the way! Our daughter G is expecting a baby at the beginning of June, so granddaughter Izzy will soon be a big sister! Needless to say we are all overjoyed and looking forward to the big day. G and family have recently moved house as well, so there's certainly a lot going on in their lives.
Our youngest daughter K also has big plans for next year - in September/October she will be taking off with her boyfriend for a round-the-world backpacking trip, and will be away from home for nine or ten months. So far the plan is to start off in India, and then to take in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Australia amongst other places. It'll be a huge adventure for them, and whilst I'll admit to being a bit nervous about them travelling to such far-flung places I'm also very excited for them.
As for the OH and me, we have put our plans to move house on hold for the time being. The main reason for this is because we have for a while been mulling over the idea of renting a place in London (or possibly Brighton) for six months or so before we finally sell up and settle elsewhere. One of the problems attached to this was the security dilemma of leaving our house unattended (with all our possessions inside) for all that time, but now we've come up with a solution - when K and her boyfriend go off on their travels they will have to give up their rented flat and will therefore have nowhere to live when they come back. So, they will move into our house and house-sit for us while we go off on our adventure! It will be the ideal situation for all of us, and it also means that they will be able to house-hunt at leisure without any pressure.
There's not a lot we can do about finding somewhere to rent until nearer the time, but that hasn't stopped me looking! And while our original plan only involved staying in London, I have to say that Brighton is looking more and more attractive. The cost of renting is so much cheaper there, and yet it's only a short train ride from the Smoke so there'd be nothing to stop us travelling up several times a week. And, of course, it would give us the opportunity to explore some wonderful places in the south of the country.
So, busy and exciting times ahead for all of us here! Daily life is dominated by Crimbo at the moment, of course, and I seem to have loads left to do in the next few days. No Christmas dinner to cook though! We are invited for dinner with daughter G, son-in-law M and Izzy this year, so although we will of course be pitching in where needed the pressure will be off. We've still got the hordes descending for Boxing Day dinner though! *g*
It just remains for me to wish all my lovely LJ friends a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year. I'm afraid I haven't had the time to create a new Christmas greeting this year but I hope you won't mind if I resurrect this one from several years back -