Title: The Rings of Eden
Characters: Lorin Westerly, Christopher Westerly, Kara Morrigan and Alexander James (These characters have been created by me)
Rating: PG (for right now)
Disclaimer: This is my story. The idea was created by me. If you want to ever use the characters must ask permission first.
Summary: Lorin has had it tough the past three years since her brother's death. Not even her best friend Kara has been able to help her fully get over it. Lorin starts getting warnings in her dreams and ends up finding out a secret about her family's history. Who said vampires aren't real?
The sound of hoof beats could be heard against the cobble stone road outside her window. She was confused only for a moment before realizing what day it was. Smiling, she climbed out of bed and looked out the window of her apartment. Lorin Westerly smiled even brighter. As she glanced down below her, she could see people dressed in period clothing walking the streets and children laughing as they followed the men dressed as soldiers. A Day in Old New Castle was underway with a seemingly larger turnout than the year before. It was an event that the city held every year to give residents and tourists the opportunity to visit the historical buildings and learn the history of New Castle. Lorin had lived here her whole life. She knew the buildings, the stories of the town and its inhabitants past and present. This place was a part of her. Stepping away from the window, Lorin stretched her slender body, yawning loudly. She glanced at the clock on her dresser, thankful that she had time to take a shower before heading out for her lunch date.
The cool hardwood floor felt wonderful beneath her feet when she entered her bathroom. After setting the water temperature and turning the shower on, Lorin turned and stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes were always the first thing someone noticed about her. They were the most amazing shade of emerald green, but they were known to lighten or darken depending on her mood. Lorin ran a hand through her long, dark chocolate brown hair as she studied her complexion. She was pale, mostly because she wasn’t particularly fond of the sunlight or any other bright lights for that matter. Her favorite characteristic was two small freckles below her right eye. Almost like teardrops. Lorin had been told she was beautiful on more than one occasion, but she only saw one thing every time she looked into a mirror. Christopher, she thought sadly. Shaking her head and looking away, Lorin undressed quickly, wanting the hot water to wash away the painful memories that began to flood her mind. Christopher Westerly, Lorin’s older brother had been dead for nearly three years. He’d been murdered in cold blood while hiking in the woods. The killer had never been found and no motive was ever discovered. Lorin had felt cursed for the longest time after his death. Not only had her brother been murdered, but years before her parents had been killed. There were times when Lorin would sit and wonder when she would be next. Right after Christopher died, she had hoped for it. She had wanted nothing else at the time except for the pain to stop, but Lorin had gotten through it. Yet she had lost a part of herself in the process. Leaning against the shower wall, Lorin sighed heavily as she tried to push thoughts of her dead brother out of her mind.
The Arsenal on the Green was a popular restaurant in Old New Castle whose building had once been the city’s armory. Typically, the restaurant was for those of a more sophisticated personality, but when the city held events, such as A Day in Old New Castle, the owners would set up a grill and tables outside to have a good old fashioned barbeque. As the smell of hamburgers and hot dogs filled the air, Lorin sat at one of the tables beneath an umbrella waiting. She smiled at a group of little girls, who were dressed in period costumes, skipping down the road, each with a handful of flowers. She then watched the soldiers giving demonstrations of their weapons as they re-enacted war strategies from that century. Lorin turned her gaze back towards the sidewalk just in time to see her best friend heading towards her. Kara Morrigan was as close to being perfect as a person could get. She was gorgeous. Her long blond hair fell past her shoulders and never had a strand out of place no matter what time of year it was. Her body and beautiful face made her a goddess to most men. Lorin had always thought that Kara should have been a movie star or model, instead of the dental hygienist that she was.
"Hey, sorry I'm late." Kara leaned down to hug her best friend and then took her seat.
"I'm used to it by now. I can't remember when you've ever been on time," replied Lorin. She laughed when Kara glared at her.
Returning her gaze to the menu, Kara scanned through the selections even though she knew what she was going to order. "What are you getting to eat?" When Kara received no response, she looked up to see Lorin staring off into the distance. The sadness in her friend's eyes were obvious and Kara knew exactly what she was thinking about. "I miss him, too Lorin."
Lorin just nodded her head in response without breaking her distant stare. She knew it was true. Kara and Christopher had been in love with each other for as long as Lorin could remember. They'd denied it for just as long. When Christopher died, Lorin's heart wasn't the only one that had broken that day. She fought back tears as the memory of Christopher's casket being lowered into the ground.
"Lorin..." Kara said gently. She covered Lorin's hand with her own, squeezing it comfortingly.
"I'm sorry, Kara. I'm fine. I swear." Lorin was lying of course and Kara knew it. Yet that didn't stop her from looking at her best friend and giving her a smile to ease the tension. "So what are you getting?"
"Probably something off the grill. It smells delicious," replied Kara.
Nodding her head in agreement, Lorin picked up her drink and brought the glass to her lips. Her eyes happened to look over Kara's shoulder for a brief second and when they did she gasped. Lorin's glass slipped from her fingers, shattering to pieces. Everyone on the street seemed to stop and stare at her. Lorin didn't notice the concerned expression on Kara's face. The only thing she saw were those eyes. Her eyes. Christopher's eyes staring back at her, but now they were gone. She stood up frantically from her chair, running towards the spot where the man had been standing on the corner.
Kara ran up behind her. "Lorin, what the hell are you doing?"
"It was...It was Christopher. He was standing right here."
"Christopher is dead, Lorin. He couldn't have been standing right here." Kara knew that her words were harsh, but what else could she say? "Come on. Why don't we go back to your place and you can lay down?"
"I know what I saw. I know my brother," Lorin snapped. She pushed through groups of people as she ran down the sidewalk, not even sure if she was going in the right direction. Kara followed closely behind. She didn't know what to do. Of course she didn't want to think her best friend had finally lost it, but Christopher was dead. Lorin had to be hallucinating. Finally, Lorin came to a stop at an intersection. She looked left and then right. There was no sign of her brother. That's because it wasn't him. He's dead, Lorin said to herself. Collapsing to the ground, Lorin began to weep.
Standing behind one of the larger headstones in the cemetery of the Immanuel Episcopal Church, he watched her run up and down the street. How could he have been so stupid? Alexander had warned him about getting too close and about the chaos it would cause. Apparently, that hadn’t mattered to the prince.
“It does matter, but I couldn’t help myself.” Christopher Westerly stepped out from the side of the church after he spoke. He stared at Alexander, his bodyguard and friend. “It’s been too long and the time is drawing near anyway.”
“That may be, but did you see what you did to her?” Alexander watched as sorrow flashed across Christopher’s face. He probably should have chosen his words more carefully, but he was irritated at the prince’s antics. Exposure was something their kind did not need.
“She’s my sister. Do you think I enjoy seeing her in pain?” Christopher was just as frustrated. Lorin was his little sister after all and he’d lied to her for three years. During that time he’d watch her grieve for him, watched her change into a person he hardly recognized.
“No more than I,” replied Alexander coolly.
Alexander James had lived for 732 years and never once had he let himself become attached to either a human or another vampire. Now he was attached to one of each. Alexander had been watching over the Westerly family for nearly five hundred years. He’d watched Lorin and Christopher grow, he’d protected their parents before they were murdered. When the time came for a member of the Westerly line to change, it was he who was sent by the elders to explain their destiny. Some of them would accept, others would take their own lives in fear. The Westerly family had ruled over all the covens since before the Dark Ages. They were the protectors of the Rings of Eden, rings that if in the wrong hands could be very dangerous. Christopher wore one of the rings on his hand, while Lorin wore the other. There was always two children born into every generation. A male and a female and when they turned twenty three in human years, they would change. They would become one of the undead, a vampire.
"We have to keep her safe before her birthday. Damien will try to kill her," Christopher said. The thought of Damien Sylis angered him and for an instant his eyes flashed silver.
Alexander placed a hand on Christopher's shoulder to calm him. "I've been sending her the warnings while she sleeps. She might take them seriously if they had come from you instead of a stranger."
"No. She would have thought she was delusional."
"Like she does now because you decided to show yourself."
"Alexander I don't want a lecture. I should have waited. I get it."
Alexander and Christopher watched as Kara tried to comfort Lorin's shaking body. Christopher sighed heavily. He wanted nothing more than to run over to his little sister. To hug her and tell her that he was okay, but he couldn't. Not yet. There were rules that had to be followed as he had learned while ruling the covens these past three years. Lorin wasn't to be told about her fate until midnight the day before her twenty third birthday. Just like he was.
"The elders are waiting for us. We have to go. She'll be fine Christopher. You'll get to see her soon enough," said Alexander. Christopher nodded in reply, but stood there a moment longer listening to Lorin as she called out for him.
The cool spring breeze blew gently across her face as she approached. She didn't come here often. It was too painful. There were too many regrets, but after today Kara needed to talk to him. Hopefully, he was listening. When she reached Christopher's headstone, she kneeled down tracing the letters with her fingers.
"Hello Christopher. It's been awhile. I'm sorry that I haven't been to visit you. I definitely haven't forgotten about you, but its hard to see you here in this place. I have to admit that there's another reason I came. I'm worried about Lorin. We were having lunch today and she swears that she saw you standing there watching us. Obviously that's not possible. She doesn't sleep. She says that she has these dreams where someone is trying to warn her about something. Christopher," Kara sighed. "I don't know what to do anymore. Lorin's been so different after you died and I can't fix it. I hate that she's hurting. I hate that you're not here to help me figure this out. Your sister misses you more than anything. And so do I. I know I say this every time I come to see you, but there are so many things I wish I would have told you when you were alive. I'd say them now, but what's the point? It won't bring you back. I don't know where you are right now, Christopher, but I hope you can do something to help Lorin. Something to finally make her pain go away. It was like you died all over again today. I wish I could stay longer, but I'm going back to check on Lorin, but I promise I'll come to see you more often. I miss you."
Kara stood and looked up at the sky. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, but when she opened her eyes she wasn't in the graveyard anymore. Kara felt like she was being pulled. Images flashed in front of her. Places and people she did not recognize, but then there was Lorin, holding the body of a man. Then Kara saw Christopher arguing with her about something. There was no sound, just scenes. Finally, it stopped. Kara was back in the cemetery again standing over Christopher's grave. She was breathing heavily, a hand over her heart as if it would steady its beat. Kara didn't know what had just happened, but what she had seen wasn't anything from her past. Confused, Kara ran back to her car while the fear of imminent danger overwhelmed her.