(no subject)

Sep 13, 2004 12:13

Trading Cards
Free Account Edition


User Number: 2677008

Date Created:3/30/2004

Number of Posts: 81

Sarah is Live Journal's redheaded stepchild. Friends describe her as either extremely witty or extremely stupid, sometimes they just can't tell. Cheap thrills make her happy, like shopping for a new alarm clock or toothpaste. Music is her religion. Get on her good side by dropping references and blow her mind by singing "Tiny Dancer" at the top of your lungs with the windows down

Strengths: Outgoing, inquisitive, generous, sympathetic, rebellious, facetious.

Weaknesses: apathetic, cynical, just plain bitchy at times. Doesn't think all babies are cute and acts accordingly.

Special Skills: Writing, memorizing songs, justifying damn near anything, official mascot of Starbucks Coffee.

Weapons: A Venti Soy Caramel Macchiato, a Union Jack, and the infamous one-two-three knockdown of Snap, Crackle, Pop.

Beatniks: The beatniks are cool cats, baby. Rebelling against not only conformity, but ignorance and the ever-American ability to settle. Second only to the British, the Beats will blow yo' mind, daddy-o!

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