1. Take five books off your bookshelf.
2. Book #1 -- first sentence
3. Book #2 -- last sentence on page fifty
4. Book #3 -- second sentence on page one hundred
5. Book #4 -- next to the last sentence on page one hundred fifty
6. Book #5 -- final sentence of the book
Book 1: Brother Francis Gerard of Utah might never have discovered the blessed documents, had it not been for the pilgrim with girded loins who appeared during that young novice's Lenten fast in the desert.
Book 2: Je n'ai fait que de vains efforts pour la vainere, mais j'en ferai tant, que, sans cesser de vous aimer, je parviendrai a cette raison dont j'entends faire quelquefois l'eloge.
Book 3: Now, however, I do look my age, if not older.
Book 4: The cameraman turned his back and looked out to sea.
Book 5: He brought his hand back to its lever - Let's not get over-confident, brother - and smiling, flew ahead.
1. A Canticle for Leibowitz - Walter M. Miller, Jr.
2. Lettres d'Amour: Le Plus Belles Parmi Les Belles - editor not specified (its rather a strange book - it's a paperback, but the pages are rough-cut, and seem to be much older than possible in paperback form. I don't know if it was re-binded, or what.)
3. Ascending Peculiarity: Edward Gorey on Edward Gorey - editor Karen Wilkin
4. The Golden Apples of the Sun - Ray Bradbury
5. This Perfect Day - Ira Levin
Wow. 3 out of those five are wonderfully cheesy science fiction. That's a pretty high percentage for give books picked randomly off of the shelf.