Jun 13, 2003 17:19
The new record from ANATOMY OF A GHOST got here yesterday. It was cool the first time I heard it when it was every other band that the kids think are cool ever. Seriously, there are some blatant riff ripoffs going on, at least 2 in the first 3 songs I listened to. But I suppose some kids will be into it. It's not bad per se, it's just unoriginal.
I've had yet another late realization. We all know the mesh hat took over quite a while ago, along with the advent of the studded belt on kids who think 1997 was "a long time ago"...The latest requirement to be "scene" is the sweatband. Yes, yes, I know I'm totally late on this realization, I think I first noticed when Slick Shoes came to play in April. Seriously though, isn't it a bit weird that kids are paying crazy amounts of money for sweatbands? Maybe I'm just getting old.