Day 59

Oct 12, 2007 19:24

I watched the Shoes of the Fisherman today.  Lovely film, but could it have gotten any longer?  Seriously.  2 1/2 hours is a bit much.  I did really enjoy it, though.  It was strange watching it, knowing that a decade later it would come to pass for the most part.  John Paul II wasn't Russian, but he did live in Poland during Nazi and Communist rule.  He was the first non-Italian pope in over 400 years.  He also had both conservative and liberal views of the Church and society as a whole.  Weird.

So, I'm not going to London on Tuesday.  However, Sarah will be coming down here for the whole weekend of the 27th and we're going to go to a big Comedy Store Players show on Sunday night and on Monday we're going to another one of the Oratory's organ recitals.  I'm looking forward to it.  Plus I get to introduce her to everyone down at the pub, assuming they haven't gone into town for the night.

And, on a completely different note, I found this entirely juvenile but very funny meme over at a friend's LJ.  Here goes nothin...

1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. List the first ten songs that come up.
3. Add "in my pants".
4. Post your list.

1. I've Got To See You Again in my pants

2. Walkin' After Midnight in my pants

3. Blues in the Night in my pants

4. Consequence in my pants

5. Absolute Denial of the Ultimate Nullifier in my pants

6. Billion Dollar Babies in my pants

7. Start Wearing Purple in my pants

8. Here's Lookin' At You in my pants

9. Freedom Hangs Like Heaven in my pants

10. Al The Killer in my pants

I have to say I enjoy #1 and #9 the most.  Because I'm a child.  10 points if you can name the artist of any of those songs without looking it up.

organ recital, shoes of the fishermen, london, the archers, films, meme, comedy store players, brompton oratory

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