So I've decided to switch to tumblr for a while since I enjoy randomly browsing photos and showing everyone what I like. Of course I'll continue to use this livejournal though it's often inactive. Internship has been good and it now boils down to my final week. I've had such a great experience here and I've learned so much about myself and those around me. This environment, or sector has allowed me to explore my fullest potential and what I really desire in my future.
With that being said, I think what I really want to do in my life is to help people. I don't think I come across as a person that enjoys helping people since my lifestyle is somewhat ironic as compared to what I want to do. But over the weeks of working here, seeing clients that smile and express their gratitude in our help. All I really want to do is continue to help those around me. I enjoy working with teenagers and young children because they're still in their developmental stages and they can still be saved.
Other than the internship cycle, my life has been very mediocre. I do enjoy hanging with my friends on weekends though I put it to a minimum now because sleep is very precioussss *gollum voice*. I can't wait for my working life to end and have some relaxation before starting on my final year project which begins in January. I will be working with the down syndrome and autistic children in Metta School. Specific details have yet to be disclosed.
Anyway if anyone has tumblr or enjoys reading it, feel free to check out my space: