Player info
Your Name: Kynia
Your E-Mail/AIM/Whatever: / Aim: Lil cute neko
londonbellYour age: 26
Character info
Series/Fandom: FFVII: Dirge of Cerberus
Character's Name: Yuffie Kisaragi
Character's Sex: Female
Character's Age: 19
Canon point: Just after she saved Vincent from Rosso the Crimson
Well, being a ninja there's a lot one can do. Wall running, flexibility and agility. Has a good range of using long range weapons that are throwable (ex.kunai's, shuriken, her conformer, ninja stars...) Skilled at pickpocketing. Of course she has a number of limit breaks when her ardenline gets going.
Her strengths are about the same as above. With her agility, she can easily jump and flip around with ease. Not to mention the endurance she uses for when she's wall running up along the side of a building. Yuffie has one healing ability with her limit break, Clear Tranquil.
Well, she is still just a human so, being stabed repeatidly, impaled and etc can kill her. Not able to lift real heavy weapons or guns (well more like she'll never use one. Period.)
Rebellious, cocky, loud, and playful. All good qualities that make Yuffie quite the character. Even at her age she can still be pretty immature, though she has grown a lot since she was sixteen; always running off at the mouth, playing tricks, teasing, and even stealing from others. Not that she doesn't still do some of those, but it's usually towards her friends. It's all in good fun she swears.
Yuffie is quite friendly and is always more than willing to give a hand if someone needs help. Unlike a few years back where she was only interested in gaining something in return for help (ex.Materia). If she doesn't like you she won't hesitate to tell you openly how exactly what she thinks of you with some choice words. If she likes you can expect her to always be hanging around you just shooting the breeze that and she does enjoy attaching herself to others backs (mostly guys) like a monkey, whether you like it or not.
The girl is quite the tomboy. She doesn't really like being to 'girly'. When you're a ninja, a thief, and treasure hunter you don't have time to be wearing some frilly looking dress or put on makeup. She likes to go with the natural look. Her attire usually consists of a pair of khaki shorts and short shirt that shows off her mid-drift and her headband across her forehead.
Though she doesn't look or act the part of a princess, she it very dedicated to her country. She'd do anything to help her country and help it flourish like it use to be. Even if she doesn't act like it from time to time, Yuffie is quite mature, responsible and intelligent. You don't get to be the head of WRO Intelligence for nothing. She'll put her country and friends before herself.
Strengths: Yuffie is very loyal to her friends. Sure, she might have stolen their materia a couple of years back, but she's stayed true to them up until now and proven herself to be a valuable part of the team like anyone else.
Weaknesses: Yuffie is still suspectible to motion sickness. Whether she's on a plane or on a boat she hasn't quite been able to get over that nausea she feels everytime she's on one. When upset, she can be a little irrational and let her emotions get the best of her.
Action/Journal Sample:
'She doesn't look like one of us, Kupo!'
'Are you sure? Maybe she's just a big one, kupo!'
[Yuffie tugged at the hood of her moogle hoodie as she sat herself up and looked and the two moogles. She never seen them up close like this.]
I told you that I wasn't a moogle, Ku--I mean I'm not.
[Her poncho didn't look THAT elaborate now did it? Out of curiosity she poke one of the dangly things on their head just to see it bounce.]
Hey! Don't do that, kupo!'
Hee, sorry. Oh..wait..WAIT! Have you two seen a really pale guy around? Kinda decked out in red and black. Could be mistaken for a vampire?
''Sorry, kupo. We haven't seen anyone like that!'
Dammit...what if he's still hurt...
[This was a problem. Last thing she remembered was saving Vincent from ShinRa manner when she intervened and all of a sudden she's in a place called 'Tranverse Town'. None of this made any sense.]
RP Sample:
Even after all this time she still hasn't gotten over it.
There was a frown tugging at her lips, before her eyesight had shifted down to the floor. She couldn't be bothered to look anywhere else but the floor at her feet. Hands perched on her knees as the young woman was hunched over breathing heavily. The motions of the airship was making her feel uneasy again. Not quite uneasy as it would be 'nauseated'. Yuffie definitely didn't have a fear of heights in the least. Though her fear was with this god forsaken airship of Cid's. If only there was a better way to travel! Plus, she was regretting eating that papou ice cream from earlier.
"Urppp......ugh, my stomach feels like it's doing back flips!"
Sometimes she wanted to strangle Reeve. They just had to take the airship didn't they? She was hardly paying attention to the briefing Reeve was giving her. It was Reeve this time right and not one o fhis weird puppet things right? She sound those a bit creepy at times. What was the man's fascination with robots?
A hand lifted up, while she shook her head, "Reeve can you PLEASE give me five minutes here. I swear I'm gonna lose it if you don't quit talking to me for just one minute."
It's not like she didn't want to listen to what he had to say, but when she was like this and looking pale in the face it was better to leave her alone. Not one damn tranquilizer on board right now either. The next town they stop at they were definitely loading up on them. Her head lifted when she heard the intercom going off and Cid speaking through it.
"We're preparing to land soon, so make sure your asses are buckled in!"
"Thank god." There was a heavy sigh of relief hearing this knews.
Yuffie you better not be puking every @#^&*$%ing where or I'll kick you off this airship!
"EH!? Cid that's a horrible thing to say! You're such a grumpy old man don't have any sympathy for me! Next time I'm just going to do it on purpose!"
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