Aug 18, 2005 23:48
Hello my peeps...if I actually do have peeps...and if I do have peeps, I wonder if they are reading I want peeps. I guess if peeps translates to just people, then everyone has them and if it translates to friends hopefully most everyone has those as well..but I guess I don't actually have a posse that looks up to me so it all depends on your definition.
Wow, that was way random...don't worry I'm back to earth now. Golly-gee, what has happened in my life since Sunday that is worth writing about? I got to see and have lunch with an old friend...then I talked to a sort of random guy online who I had met a long time ago and he asked me about my spirit...I mean who asks was kind of nice. I also got to eat dinner with two of my bestest many thoughts and worries and good things and bad things going on with everyone.
I have become obsessed with my new planner...I actually look at it to remind me of stuff I've done this week...there is still so much left to do and pack, etc. I feel like I have to get everything done and everyone visited, etc. before I leave...luckily only thirty minutes away.
Oh yeah, I got my hair chopped off! It is up to my shoulders now...I'm kind of sad about it...but hopefully it will be was starting to look shaggy and shed too much. There may be a few too many layers though...I feel a bit like a soccer mom...but oh grows and at least it is easier and out of my way. Who knew hair could seem so important.
Also, tomorrow is my last day of work...after the yelling I did today, I'm surprised that I am actually sad...I mean it will be weird to leave all of my kids. I just know so much about their personalities and little habits...they've become a part of my life for the summer...and I liked that. It makes me a bit sad that I don't live close enough to continue working there...and that is something I never thought I'd say.
Last thing...MC awaits my return this Sunday. I have to say though that this has been a good summer. The thing I will miss most is my parents are always always (I meant to write that twice) there for me and yet I still feel like I don't get enough time to spend with them...we are all busy busy.
Goodnight my friends or shall I say peeps!