Nov 29, 2007 21:07
so, i wasn't really sure if anyone read this anymore, but it looks as though people have started posting again, so i'm guessing some of you will read this.
penny passed away today. at the begining of thanksgiving break she was sick, throwing up every morning but behaving pretty much the same as usual. the last day of break she stopped eating, but still was pretty much herself. tuesday we found out she had cancer, apparently still wasnt eating and slept all day. and today she's gone. it all happened so fast. it just sucks. i dont really remember life without her. its not so bad right now, (although of course i had a good long cry session) because she wouldnt be at school with me anyways. but i know that as soon as i get home and she doesnt run up to greet me, well, i dont know how well i'll be able to handle it.
i just wanted you all to know in case you came over my house over winter break, when i'm sure you'd notice her not barking at you when you come to the door. and you should come over during break, cause i miss you all. even if i'm not the best at keeping in touch.
hope everyone is good, and hope to see you all soon.