Jun 22, 2005 11:30
i think this has been one of the longest amounts of time i've gone without updating. hm. wierd.
so school is over, thank god. it just makes life infinitly better. seriously, i dont think i could have survived even another two days. but, now it's over and i'm a senior and it's all good.
cleanup day wasn't even that bad. not like last year, at least, when we did the major cleanout of the costume closet so i was getting yelled at the entire time. and we finished the closet in only about 2 hours. which made me smile. we still desperatly need to throw things away, though, because we cant fit a single other thing in there.
i leave in only five days. thats really wierd. i'm really excited though. i need to start packing. acctually, i need to first but clothes so that i acctually have somthing to pack. i own about 5 or six shirts right now, and maybe 3 pairs of shorts. and they need to last me 5 1/2 weeks. so yeah. i need more.
but yeah, leaving sharon? soooo needed. i got my itinerary the other day. it's rediculous. amazing, yet rediculous. there's on average five different places and activities schedualed for each day. i honestly dont see how it's gonna be physically possible to do that much. oh man, i cant wait. i really want to meet everyone too. i hope they're cool people. i've gotten emails from a few of them, but it's kindof hard to tell from that. and i'm 99% sure that s-bash is on my flight to italy with her group (the first week of my trip is in italy, which apparently some of you didn't know). but yeah, i find that really amusing. and, since the entire town of sharon is also going to israel this summer, i'm expecting to see quite a few people there, because seriously, there are only so many places to go in israel. i'm so excited. i really need to get out of this town.
so, yeah, you people can't really write to me, so i'm not gonna ask you to. maybe i can write to you, though. we'll see. am i'm gonna miss you guys, and i need to make sure i see you all before i go. i'll be back august 5, though, so i will be here for pretty much a full month of summer.
ok, i should try and not be so useless right now. love y'all. byeness.