May 16, 2005 19:14
so i havent had one of those "this is what i did today" entrys. i think i'm about due. it'll be short though, not too much happens in my life.
andrew was home for the weekend. that was cool. we had our brother sister wendy's bonding trip. good times. then he got the car friday night (cause technically it is his no matter how much i pretend it's mine) so i ended up missing laberynth. booo. at least i got the car saturday though, cause i "needed" it to get to the show.
so childrens show was really fun in the end. and good, too, despite what some had inticipated. and the junior drama kids were also quite fun in the end, although i don't think i'll miss any of them, but i'll probably do it again next year. and the playground is always fun.
corsets need to come back into style. i'm sorry, but i love them. i'm not saying we should have to wear them every day and underneath absolutely everything we wear like they did in the olden days, but once in a while you can wear them. like a sweatshirt, you dont wear it everyday, but when you do it looks normal. i acctually have a pattern for a modernized style corset, i should make it. that's my next project.
no kenner for the rest of the week. let me just bask in the glory of that for a minute....
AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! (high pitched angelic voices)
anyways, wierdest thing happened tonight. philadelphia university, one of my top 3 schools (tied as my 2nd choice after syracuse) calls me tonight and says "we see you're interested in our fashion program. we're calling to let you know that there is a scholorship available to you based on your sat's and gpa." and i'm like, but i just took the sat's, i dont even know my score yet, and they haven't given us our gpa's yet either! and they're like, "oh, well, that's ok. just send them in as soon as you get them, and you'll probably be eligable for this scholorship." it was so wierd. i mean, i haven't sent in any sort of application or anything yet, i've never even asked them about scholorships. all i've done is visited the school and put my name on some list saying i'm somewhat interested. freeeaaaky.
tomorrow night i'm going to some seminar for all people from mass/ rhode islandish area interested in syracuse. i'm showing as much intrest in them as absolutely possible, so hopefully they'll notice and possible let me in out of pity.
now i have to go write the damn gattone narrative. she's stupid. lets throw rocks at her. kk. muchos love. byeness.