Aug 16, 2004 09:08
Don't breathe
Don't achieve
Or grieve without leave"
-Numb, U2
After I left Goldstein's place, which was fun, (I was glad to see the fellow Ravens before returning to Hogwarts.) I went home and took a shower. When I got out, there was a phon message saying that Margo had just picked up a book she thought I'd like. As I haven't been in her shop in ages, and she only calls when she finds something she knows I'll buy, a trip was in order.
So I go there, and what do I find she has? A copy of Basile's Pentamerone. Which I've been looking for for ages. Second English printing. Which made it well worth the money I was about to spend.
And I did spend it. And more, becase she also had a first edition of The Dictionary of Imaginary Places, and a few good books on North American Shamanistic rites for passing into the spirit world as well as some with European rituals. And just for kicks, I picked up a copy of Good Omens and one of Neverwhere. As I'm in need of some fiction reading and they boh looked good. Not to mention the latter is authoured by and the former with Neil Gaiman, who is one of my favorite writers. He wrote Sandman.
Upon looking at the books with rituals, I had to say I was surprised. They range from ones involving long and complex rites to ones that are supposed to just work in a pinch. For example, if someone is sick and you need to contact their spirit in order to find out what happened, there's a quick thing to do. But if they're dying, the ritual to send the spirit onward is both long and fascinating.
All that and I finally bought U2's Pop album. So I shall now go and curl up with it piping through the sound system as I read Good Omens.
Added on later: Does anyone know where I can find some powdered hen's teeth? I'm looking for a specialty potions shop, not like the one in Diagon Alley. If they only do business via owl order, so be it. And while I'm asking, does anyone know whaere I can locate items commonly used in ancient druidic ceremonies? I'd ask for shamanic instruments, but I know Mum has a friend who can get some for me if I lie through my teeth, or cast something on him. He's a Muggle, and telling him I want to try them for something probably isn't the best of ideas.