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Jan 31, 2008 11:21

As I sit here at a picnic table on campus I for some reason just relived my life from the past 2 years in a total of about 45 seconds.

It's crazy how time changes things in what seems like a blink of an eye. My life has gone from here to hell and back again... I wouldn't change a second of it.

I always wonder whether or not the theory of "Things happen for a reason" is a legitimate one. I am starting to think so.

I look at my life now. I'm in college... I work two jobs and don't really have any time for much else. But one realization that I've come to is that right now... right this very second... I am happy with my life. I've figured that it's not worth the time wasted to dwell on things in life that bring you down. And it's funny... because I use to be so... different. I guess different isn't quite the right word. I am still the same person I was 4 years ago. I still have a cracked out sense of humor...I'm still a little off in the head... I'm still me. But I have learned more about life in the past couple of years than I could have ever anticipated.

I remember being 14 like it was yesterday. Sometimes I don't even realize how much time has gone by.

And to all of the people I was close to...I still love you all... you are still my family, and I miss you all. I know I seemed to have disappeared ... but I'm still here.

I hold no grudges. Everyone makes mistakes...I made a few.

I want a life back.

So I'm starting over



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