My 1st LJ anniversary!

Sep 29, 2007 16:14

I started my journal exactly one year ago. I have really enjoyed writing my entries and reading about your lives and making new on-line (but not only) friends.

A big thanks to all of you who have been commenting, replying, etc. in the last 12 months.
Here are my top commenters:

Top Commenters on london1967's LiveJournal
(Self and anonymous comments excluded from rankings)

1jeffurrynpl 71
2cuboz 47
3notdefined 46
4quemadmodum 45
5ursine1 33
6gorkabear 30
7djmadadam 24
8coryblank 23
9popebuck1 20
10timbearuk 19
Report generated 29/09/2007 15:45:18 by scrapdog's LJ Comment Stats Wizard 1.7

* Jeff (jeffurrynpl) was my first LJ friend and that explains the big lead!


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