Animated baking

Sep 22, 2007 20:01

It's 8 pm on Saturday evening, and poor Adrian is still at work!
I talked to him at about 4:30 pm and he definitely wasn't a happy bunny. He didn't have any idea of when he was going to come home but only that they had to stay there until the showroom was ready for the trade exhibition starting tomorrow.
He will be exhausted and he has to be back there tomorrow (well, provided he doesn't walk out this evening!)


I spent my Saturday running a few errands and also doing some "community weeding" -helping to tide up a raised flowerbed that is being looked after by the residents association.

I am waiting for Adrian to ring to let me know when I can start dinner (though at this stage it may be too late to eat by the time he gets in) but have done some baking this afternoon:

Passion fruit meringue tartlets

It took about 3 hours from making the pastry to setting the meringue!!
I thought it'd be fun to take pictures at different stages from rolling the pastry onwards and to make an animated GIF - I've put it behind the cut as I'm not sure if it takes long to load for you.

Will the tartlets cheer Adrian up?

baking, adrian, animated gif

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