A week-end of baking

Apr 14, 2015 10:43

Last week-end Adrian's friend Sue was visiting us and we had also had arranged to see our friend Jean (from Annecy, in Haute-Savoie) and his new Swiss boyfriend Urs.
They came for afternoon tea on Sunday: our friend Michael was also invited round.

So, I spent Saturday and a few hours on Sunday baking.

I made:
- Lemon curd macarons
- Religieuses
- Helsinki caramel cakes
- Orange natas (Portuguese custard tarts)
- Pistachio and raspberry tarts filled with frangipane and crème pâtissière
- Chocolate and crème de cassis cake

I was very pleased with all of them, apart from the caramel topping of the Helsinki cakes. It was the second time I made them: the first time the sauce was too runny, this time it was toffee-like but perhaps next time I'll get it just right.

The cake, the pistachio tarts and the religieuses (Mary Berry's recipe) were all first attempts and turned out really well. The macarons were my best to date and Jean said that they were just as good as the Ladurée ones, which was a very kind thing to say.

Adrian made two type of scones (cheese and fruit) and all the sandwiches (cucumber and cream cheese, coronation chicken, smoked salmon and cream cheese) and set the table beautifully as always.

We spent a few hours eating, drinking and chatting, and not long after Jean and Urs left, Michael's partner Chris arrived. So the party was over at around 10:30 pm!
Yesterday I felt a bit tired but all the baking was worth it!

baking, afternoon tea

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