Day 61

Aug 22, 2013 22:16

I walk again! Well sort of...

I went to the hospital this morning and was seen by yet another consultant.
As soon as I walked in on crutches with my left leg off the floor, I was told to put it down.

Now I can put full weight on the leg and take leg brace off when sitting/sleeping. I'm waiting for the hospital to ring about physiotherapy - I was told to chase them if I don't hear anything within a week.

I can bend my knee little (about 30 degrees while standing with the brace on and 45 sitting without the brace) and the consultant was concerned about the swelling. He said that he had seen people where the swelling caused the skin to pop!
Apparently when I had the accident I tore the ligaments on the side of my knee as well.
I have to do some gentle exercise to get the knee more flexible and build up some muscle again. After 60 days, there doesn't seem to be much left!

I had a walk around the block tonight with my lovely Adrian, using the crutches for support and it felt quite wonderful.

I didn't expect to be given such good news today, although part of me is slightly concerned that all the doctors I've seen seem to have different ideas about the road to recovery.

leg, convalescence

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