Day 37 of 74

Jul 29, 2013 20:12

I haven't posted for a while because there isn't that much to report while you're sitting all day at home!

Last Thursday we went to the hospital, where I was fitted with a new knee brace which allows a tiny bit of bending - up to 30 degrees. On Thursday week it'll be increased to 60 and 2 weeks later to 90, and then I'm not quite sure what will happen. Perhaps the brace will come off after another 2 weeks, and I'll start some physio?
So, I've modified the countdown: now from the date of the accident to the date when - I presume - my leg will be freed. I'm exactly at halfway.

My new best friend for the next few weeks and I

The x-rays showed the patella back in more or less the right position. I had to remind the consultant that I had the x-rays done that morning or he wouldn't even have checked!
No news about the tendon because it doesn't show up on the x-rays anyway.

Adrian has been/is absolutely wonderful and keeps taking me out for a 'walk' most days.

One notices different things while you're sitting in a wheelchair. For instance pavements which appear OK when you walk, can be hellish. We've been going to the nearest park quite a lot

On Saturday we went to the new Penge market (an experimental, monthly revival of the old market) which was a bit disappointing but we had breakfast out at a local cafe'

and bought some very cheap flowers (a bunch of lilies for £1)

Then Sheila came to visit us and brought lunch!

The front garden is looking lovely. Most dahlias are in bloom and the mix of seeds we sprinkled in all the pots is really working. Everyone (neighbours and bees!) are mad about the cornflowers!

At least I'm not short of flowers in my 'prison'!

garden, convalescence

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