A camp evening out

Apr 05, 2013 23:53

We went to Greenwich Theatre this evening to see

which was great, mindless fun! We laughed a lot.

We were sitting in the front row and like many others we got picked on: the wedding organiser grabbed our heads together and pushed them to his chest shouting: "Look, I'm Dolly Parton. I've always wanted to do this!"

Before the show, we had dinner in Cafe' Rouge where I got to chat to an Italian couple (he had a very strong Tuscan accent - the hard 'c' is pronounced as an 'h' in English) who were in London for a few days because their daughter wanted to see One Direction at the O2!

And this morning I met my new dentist. The one I had for 13 years left the practice and a new, bright thing took his place. He seems very pleasant and made time to have a chat, and took some general X-rays of my teeth. And, oh yes, he's quite easy on the eye too. But he looked so young - probably not even 30 y.o. - and I felt oh so old!

greenwich, theatre, dentist

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