Eurovision week-end

May 14, 2007 20:01

On Saturday we had a mini Eurovision party: us two plus Michael and William.
We didn't cook anything but stuffed ourselves with lovely M&S party food. And we had 3 bottles of bubbly, 2 bottles of sangria and one of white wine! Not bad, eh?
William got here at around 10 pm in time for the voting (he had spent the day in Paris with friends! Lucky fella!); Michael, Adrian and myself were almost in complete agreement regarding the best performances.
We voted for Hungary, Sweden, France, Ukraine and Latvia.
But I also liked the winner's entry (especially the English dance remix version available on the Serbian TV's website) and the Russian entry with the hilarious lyrics:

Oh! Don’t call me funny bunny
I’ll blow your money money
I’ll get you to my bad ass
Spinning for you
Oh! I’ll make it easy honey
I’ll take your money yummy
I’ve got my bitches
Standing up next to me 
Gotta tease you nasty guy
So take it don’t be shy
Put your cherry on my cake
And taste my cherry pie

It was a great evening of food, drink and laughter!!
Sunday was a quiet and rainy day.
I went to SBN at The Hoist for a couple of hours... at one point, they turned up the volume and played more Eurovision! Scooch followed by "I am your drama queen tonight", and this was when  fisting and other porn videos were playing on the screens, and everyone was naked!

the hoist, eurovision

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