Summer, Salad & Sangria

Aug 05, 2012 13:03

Our little summer party went very well.

Our 23 guests all enjoyed themselves and the food

And here are the meringues from my previous post turned into chocolate meringue kisses

They all disappeared very quickly!

Most of our gay friends couldn't make it for one reason or another, so it was really a straight party in a camp house (about 70% of our guests were neighbours). 
I have to say that I quite enjoyed myself (I am not overly keen on parties but Adrian loves them): this time I didn't feel I was just a waiter who got in the way of flirting when he didn't disappear quickly enough after serving drinks! lol

Debz took this photo of us in the kitchen

I think we'll probably have another gathering a couple of weeks or so before Christmas.   


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