Piazza Castello

Oct 17, 2011 09:28

Piazza Castello is arguably the square most loved by the Torinese.

Palazzo Madama, an hybrid of a Roman gate, medieval castle and Baroque palazzo sits in the middle

It is surrounded by portici on 3 sides 

and it's home to the Teatro Regio (the Opera house), the Prefettura with a Cristoforo Colombo high-relief

(The superstitious Torinesi like to rub his little finger for good luck )

the Armeria Reale, the Palazzo Reale

and the chiesa di San Lorenzo

You can also see the extravagant dome of the Holy Shroud

A number of roads converge on the square: via Po, via Garibaldi, via Roma (which will take you to Piazza San Carlo and the Porta Nuova railway station)

and via Pietro Micca

piazza castello, italy, turin

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