I'm back!

Dec 30, 2009 16:21

Today is my second day back at work after my 10-day Christmas break, most of which was spent in Turin.

I don't mind being back at the office: I had started going stir crazy at my parents, so it's an improvement! LOL!

It's quiet at work and commuting in the morning feels quite relaxed as most people are still at home.
They emerge later as confirmed by my little sortie down Oxford Street earlier which was followed by a hurried retreat.

Here the weather in the last couple of days has been rather miserable: grey skies, drizzle accompanied by the feeling that we go from night to dusk to night.

In my 8 days in Turin I had quite a variety of weather conditions:
- bitterly cold sunshine (-14 C the first couple of days)
- snow (twice)
- fog and mist
- rain

On Sunday morning, when I left, the skies were bright blue and the wind had uncovered the Alps.
The view was simply breathtaking both from the ground and later from the plane.
Oh, I do miss "my" mountains!

christmas, weather, turin

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